
Behaving Professionally In The Office

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As a woman working in an office, I can say how much I appreciate the respect shown to me by fellow co-workers. I know that if this respect was not in place, I would not be able to trust my co-workers and would not be able to complete my tasks to the full extent of my abilities.


A code of ethics works to solve this problem by taking the principles and practices of your company and composing them into a cohesive explanation of company expectations. Understanding a company’s expectations is imperative to working well within that company.

Have a Plan

Much like the way the constitution serves to explain the expectations for the United States government, a code of conduct serves to explain the expectations for those working within a company. As such, these documents should be an accurate reflection of your company’s principles and values.


It can be easy to make jokes and refer to someone as “gay” or “retarded,” but these terms are offensive, even if used on people that are not actually defined by those terms. As it is impossible to know the details of the lives of all of your co-workers, you never know who may be negatively affected by those derogatory terms so it is best not to use them. It is also advised to never use profanity in the office as it does not lend towards a positive reputation. If you have a potty mouth, be sure to clean it up for work in order to not offend anyone and be a repeat sexual harassment training offender.


Having clearly explained roles and expectations can help a company function smoothly and efficiently. Employees can be more productive if they understand what is expected of them, and are kept informed on company policies. These employees also will be able to understand the importance of their role within the company, and their ability to fulfill those roles.

Some might assume this step is common sense, but you can never be too careful. After everything that you’ve done to prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario, make sure to think about it logically. Women taking the time to think and act accordingly can prevent sexual assault. Always stay alert and think through what you should do… then do it.

If you are unsure of how to write the code of conduct for your company, you should look into code of conduct training, so you can create the most effective code of conduct possible.

Established in 1999, WeComply is an industry leader in providing online and offline compliance training solutions. We are committed to providing best-of-breed compliance training content, technology and customer service. Our commitment has put us at the leading edge of the e-learning industry – earning WeComply a roster of top-flight clients and partners.

The post Behaving Professionally In The Office appeared first on downshar.com.

Behaving Professionally In The Office

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