Trying to get your ex to return your calls or pick up the phone might seem almost impossible since your breakup. You have tried leaving messages and calling when you know that they’re free but you feel sure that your ex is avoiding you. What can you do to get your ex to call you back or pick up the phone?
While it’s normal that you want to talk to your ex and work things out, there’s a good chance that your ex is avoiding you because they don’t want to talk about the breakup right now. You might say that you just want to hear their voice or check on them to see how they are. The sad fact is that it’s almost impossible to get your ex to return your calls or pick up the phone when they know that you are only want to try to convince them to get back together. These tips will help you to get your ex to call you back though.
First, if you already tried calling your ex numerous times and you have left messages for them, they know that you’re trying to get in touch with them. Further calls and messages will only make matters worse and further annoy your ex. The more you call them, the more you’re going to annoy them and the longer it’s going to take to initiate contact with your ex again. Also, every time you call your ex you make them feel better about themselves and the more needy you appear in their eyes. Before you do more damage to your chances of getting back together with your ex you should avoid calling them for a period of time.
Usually a week or two of not calling your ex or trying to contact them through alternate routes will be necessary. The more you have been calling, the longer you should wait before you try getting in touch with your ex again. Waiting two weeks or more before trying to contact your ex again is a good rule of thumb but you can wait longer to improve your chances of getting a positive response from them.
Next, before you contact your ex again, you should try to create some mystery. Avoiding contacting your ex will help your ex to start to miss you but you should also create some mystery about what has been going on in your life. Avoid talking about the breakup with your friends or family. Avoid posting sad status messages on your social networking profiles. Your life needs to be a mystery to your ex so when you do get back in touch with them they will be curious about what has been going on in your life.
You can actually use social networking to your benefit when trying to get your ex back. You can create some mystery about what’s going on with you and make your ex wonder if you still want to get back together. Try to relax. You want your ex to wonder if you still want them or not. Post funny photos or links to songs that make you happy. Avoid posting anything that will make your ex feel that you are thinking about them. Delete any recent messages that are sad or that point to the fact that you are still in love with your ex. If you can’t bear to post anything positive then it’s better to remain silent on your social networking profile.
The final step in getting back in touch with your ex and getting them to pick up the phone is to start off small. Being with a text message before you try calling your ex again. Text messages have become almost a mandatory stepping stone that you must use before you call your ex for the first time after a breakup. The great thing about text messages is that your ex will have no idea of whether or not you’re upset or sad. They is no way for your ex to know if you’re out on the town having a good time or if you’re curled up on the couch drowning in a puddle of your own tears.
You can start by sending a simple text message when the time is right saying that you were thinking of them or a piece of news that your ex might not know about. Avoid talking about the breakup or your desire to get back together. Short messages are better than long ones and you should try follow how often as well as how much your ex writes back. Take things slow and be careful not to appear needy. As the conversation progresses, you can tell your ex that you are tired of trying to type everything out and ask them to call you so you can tell them something funny that you heard. Be prepared and act cool and nonchalant and soon you’ll have your ex wanting to talk to you again.
The pain that you’re in right now and the frustration that you’re feeling these days is real and justified. You have lost your best friend. You are missing that key person in your life that you shared everything with. Your desire to hear their voice and the soothing comfort that a simple phone call might provide could be offset by hearing an angry voice on the other end of the line if you force the issue too much.
By being patient and using what you have learned here, you can get back in touch with your ex. You will hear their voice again and you will be able to connect with your ex again. Any time you feel tempted to pick up that phone, remember that the longer you wait the better your chances are of reuniting with your ex. The longer you wait the happier your ex is going to be to hear your voice and connect with you again. You might even get lucky and have your ex call you before you’re ready.
Click here to learn more about how to get your ex back. Find out how simple and easy it can be.
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3 Secrets That Will Force Your Ex To Call You Back
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