
Problems With Public Education In Society

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Human beings are always looking for ways to make extra money once they begin working within the career world. Unfortunately there are problems with public education which makes this dream impossible for many young people. Everyone living in the United States knows about overcrowded classrooms, school bullies, single young mothers, bad students, unhealthy lunches and a variety of school yard shootings.

Unfortunately there are so many schools in America that have fired so many great teachers. Georgia, Alabama, New York, California and even New Jersey have decided to cut their budget in 2014. There are quite a few superintendents who make huge salaries within these states and they are not willing to take a cut in pay. Therefore so many of the teachers find themselves out of a job because of this particular issue.

Youngsters who attend these schools will really pay the ultimate price since they will not receive good services. When a school decides to slash its budget the classroom size will be double. More students within a room do not receive the individual care from a teacher. She/he may have too many issues to tackle and they rarely have an assistant helping them.

Good pupils may become involved in drug usage or other disturbing behavior once they are forgotten by the school system. Numerous fights will happen within these crowded classes that were once calm. The educator will not care about any of these pupils at all and she/he will only want to collect a paycheck each month. The violence towards students and teachers will continue to grow within these learning facilities.

Unfortunately school supplies are also very rare in these situations and some of the students will not receive new educational books. Students living within poor neighborhoods will only receive items that have been used and abused. This will make many of the youngsters very angry towards the entire system.

Brand new items are usually given to private educational institutions since they have more money within their budget. Children attending these places also find themselves being the victims of a bully who has no conscience at all. Many of these students come from broken homes and they rarely have a male figure living within their household.

Single mothers do not have time to watch their child every moment of the day. Sometimes their youngster stays at home unsupervised for many hours while the mother is working. Male role models are absent within these households and sometimes the child does not even know his/her father. On a sadder note American citizens are faced with having pregnant and mentally disturbed children within their school system.

The young females who get pregnant do not want to take the time to finish their school education once this event has happened. Unfortunately society will get more and more young girls involved in the welfare system when they have to leave school to support an infant. Besides this tragedy anyone can gain access into a non private school and open gun fire on teachers and students.

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Problems With Public Education In Society

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