
Surviving the loss myths hair!

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By Seema Rani

Humbug myths hair loss could cause more damage to your hair you can imagine . The moments of despair , lack of knowledge and even blind faith can catch a lot of people into believing these false accounts and ruin both your hair and your peace of mind . Read on for some of the common hair loss myths and why you should eliminate from your life !

MYTH : Standing on head makes hair grow .

FACT: This myth is one of the new ” old wives tales ” and also one of the most popular according to experts, hair loss is not a problem if your blood circulation was not providing enough juice .. its enough follicles – the life of your hair to grow , their biggest problem is not its inputs , it would be brain dead So before you believe hearsay , always do your own research or consult as absurd ! your doctor.

MYTH : To catch a gray hair and two grow back.

FACT: You’d be surprised how many people believe this ridiculous stunt hair care . Let your bust myth. A single hair can get out of each hair follicle , so if you pull a hair, regardless of color , never grow a single hair in place. In addition , hair color comes from can not be predetermined . Excessive logging of gray hair can make you go bald eventually do an obsessive habit!

Myth: Hair loss comes from the mother’s side

FACT: This is not entirely true . Although primary baldness gene is on the X chromosome , the chromosome comes from the mother , many other factors contribute to hair loss . In fact , research suggests that men who have a bald father are more likely to develop masculine than those who have baldness. So if you do not have good genes , is not the only reason for hair loss .

MYTH : Cutting Growth

FACT: This is the tip of the hair care most often heard and believed all time . Hair grows an inch per month , whether or not cut . Hair growth depends solely on a person ‘s hormones , not the stylist scissors. But that being said, a plate will eliminate split ends for you and make your hair healthy and best preserved .

MYTH : You need to give your hair 100 strokes every day.

FACT: unfounded myths that can cost your hair. Excessive brushing strip of the hair follicles and , possibly weakens individual strands . In fact , we should ideally use a wide-toothed comb to avoid breakage due to combing / brushing .

Take our word for it – do not let the hair care myths endangered illogical longer hair . These days, there are many sources through which you can validate these tips for hair care before proceeding. Treat it as an alarm clock and do not let the cost of their beautiful hair “old wives tales !

Seema Rani is an expert writer who loves to write about beauty tips and tricks . Check out his latest article about some common myths and easy tips to lose hair care hair “

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Surviving the loss myths hair!

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