Our personal and professional reputations and identities are becoming increasingly blended as a result of social media. It is now much harder to maintain a level of personal anonymity outside the office. It is now possible for party animal alter-egos and “not safe for work” status updates to be viewed by current and potential employers or co-workers. If you’re not sure whether or not your social media profiles will stand up to professional scrutiny, there are a few things you can do to clean up your profiles. Once you clean things up, you’ll want to create a few habits that will help you maintain your professional social media presence.
The creation of a safe and happy work environment is extremely important for everyone in the workplace, from employers, to employees, and even clients. When everyone in the workplace setting feels comfortable in their environment, they are able to work to the best of their ability and to be happy and excited to come to work each day.
Creating a safe work environment may seem like an overwhelming task, it can be accomplished without too much hassle and no matter what; it will be worth it in the long run. When employees feel unsafe or insecure in their workplace, they are unable to accomplish the things they need to get done.
One of the main things that can lead to individuals feeling unsafe in the workplace is harassment. Harassment comes in many different forms and can be called many different names, but no matter what it is called, it is no good.
Digital Awareness
Once you’ve cleaned up your Facebook, Tumblr, or Twitter, you want to keep it that way. Each time you post a picture, video, or status update take a moment to review what you are putting on the internet. Nothing is truly private and no matter how hidden you think it may be, you can never be sure and I guarantee that you would much rather be safe than sorry.
Additionally, if you are entrusted with the management of a company social media account take care to keep your personal accounts completely separate from the company accounts. The last thing you want is for you to lose your job because you posted your own personal opinions on a company account. If you need to, only access the work account from certain devices so that you don’t make a career ending mistake.
Often, it can be intimidating to approach a supervisor about such a private matter, but it is important that it be done because otherwise a change would be difficult to make. When a problem is ignored, it can only grow, and cannot be remedied. As management, it is important to help your employees understand the serious nature of sexual harassment. It is not a joke, not for fun, and not something to be shrugged off.
One great way to help employees and management feel more comfortable about discussing harassment is to offer harassment training. This training can help employees to better understand the nature of harassment and to approach it in an appropriate manner.
With appropriate harassment training, each employee can be aware of what is and is not appropriate in the workplace, and how to properly approach an inappropriate situation. Keeping the workplace a safe and happy environment is one of the most important parts of a successful and productive environment. When employees feel comfortable in their office, they are more likely to produce more and often better work.
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Keeping Your Health Information Secure
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