
Try Out The New Power Catamarans

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For many people there is just nothing like being out on the open ocean in their own boat. They love the feel of the wind in their face and the smell of the ocean around them. Owning their own boat is a dream come true for many people. They may spend years saving to finally be able to make that big purchase. Choosing the right vessel to suit their needs can be challenging. Those who are looking for style, fuel efficiency and extra living space should consider the newly developed power catamarans.

Catamarans were first designed and built thousands of years ago by the ancient Polynesians. However it was only in the past fifty years of so that they have become commonplace on oceans around the world. They offer several advantages over the traditional mono hull boats that are more typically seen. Shoppers today are much more willing to spend time doing their own extensive research before making a purchase. They are often choosing the new style catamaran because of its energy efficient design.

A catamaran is able to use less fuel simply because its duel hulls create less drag than the traditional mono hull. Some of the latest designs have been shown to be upwards of seventy percent more efficient. Engine and rudder placement will also affect the amount of drag and this has been factored in too. Many models are also fitted with solar panels which can further help to reduce their dependency on fuel.

In addition many manufacturers are now adding solar panels as a way to reduce the dependency on gasoline. The panels can be used whilst the boat is in port or out on the water. This allows the owners to save a lot of money over the years and spend more time out on the water fishing, sight seeing or just relaxing.

Piloting a catamaran is quite different from other types of boats. When heading out for that first voyage it is vital to have an experienced crew along. They will be able to help and advice the new captain about all the nuances of the vessel. However, once they have a few hours of sailing time under their belt most people find that they really enjoy the feel of the catamaran. They are easy to handle and maneuver, even in tight spots. One drawback is that they often need extra space when tying up at a wharf as their beam is wider than a standard mono hulled vessel.

The fiberglass hulls can be made to either standard or custom designs. Those with their own plans can work with a manufacturer to create their very own unique craft. This is usually the best way to incorporate extra living space or storage facilities. Even a small change in design can make a huge difference to the overall functionality of the boat.

Prices vary depending on the size of vessel. Many dealerships and manufacturers are now offering in house financing to make a purchase fast and easy. There are also fractional ownership schemes that are more affordable and flexible.

Of all the vessels on the water today power catamarans have the most to offer. They are fast, sleek, good looking and handle well in all waters. In addition they are probably the most environmentally friendly of all boats.

Read more about The New Breed Of Power Catamarans visiting our website.

The post Try Out The New Power Catamarans appeared first on downshar.com.

Try Out The New Power Catamarans

via downshar http://www.downshar.com/?p=2588

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