
Environment-Friendly Scented Aromatherapy Soy Candles

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Aromatherapy soy candles come in a variety of types made using different ingredients. The basic composition for any kind of scented candle is a mix of some kind of wax combined with one or more oils. The soy-based variety makes use of vegetable wax made from soy beans. Essential oils, also natural, impart the scent it gives off when the candle is lit.

The end product is therefore a scented and environment-friendly candle. It gives off only non-toxic fumes that are therapeutic. The specific benefits from each type of candle may vary depending on the kind of scent, but most of them commonly provide stress relief and mental clarity. The patient’s revitalization is also helped along by this method.

After all the wax has melted and the flame dies out, there is nothing left behind because all the ingredients go back to nature in some form. It’s very different when a normal candle with paraffin wax is used, since it is made by processing petrochemicals and has a large carbon footprint. The paraffin does not offer any therapeutic benefits of its own either.

At this point, it would be appropriate to note that a vegetable wax candle made from soy has a relatively lower melting point. It may melt under hot conditions even without a flame. This is one of the reasons why it needs to be bought within a holder, and kept in the container all the time.

Another way to get around the low melting point is to throw in some additives that raise the temperature at which the wax begins to melt. Note that aromatherapy needs candles that are all-natural and have no artificial additives. As the flame burns, the patient is soaked in the aroma of vegetable wax and scented oils that revitalize and refresh the mind and body.

The exact effect, as mentioned above, varies based on the scent chosen. The selection of true aka single scents available is vast, and covers almost any fragrant object found in nature that can be processed into oils. It could be eucalyptus or lavender, or anything from cedarwood to clove, cinnamon, mint, orange, sage, rosemary, etc. The scent the candle gives out is exactly the same as inhaling the smell of eucalyptus leaves or sniffing the orange.

There is also the option to choose a synergy, which is a combination of essential oils. It has a combined effect that is greater than the individual effect of each of the constituent oils included in the blend. For example, a blend consisting of eucalyptus, rosemary and mint gives an extraordinary jolt and cooling effect that wakes up the patient. It makes their fatigue melt away, and quickly opens up clogged sinuses.

Similarly, a blend that contains cedarwood, fir needles and spruce transports the patient inside a room to the freshness of a forest. It lifts depressed spirits and gets rid of urban tensions and worries of the daily grind. There are plenty of such blends of aromatherapy soy candles that seasoned professionals know how and when to deploy for maximum effect and provide relief for patients with specific conditions. The best part is that there is no real downside, because the candles are cheap and entirely harmless to both the patient and the environment.

You can visit the website www.faeriehome.us for more helpful information about All-Natural Scented Aromatherapy Soy Candles

Environment-Friendly Scented Aromatherapy Soy Candles

via downshar http://www.downshar.com/?p=2081

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