
How To Get Better Grades: Five Tips To Stop Stress

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Whether you realize it or not, stress is part of everyday life. And as we become busier and more time poor stress is only likely to rise. But stress isn’t always bad. In fact some stress can be quite helpful. Stress helps to keep us alert and on the go, and is quite often required in order for you to achieve your best.

However, medical research has also determined that prolonged stress is very bad for the body, and can block the body’s natural ability to repair, regenerate and protect itself. It’s interesting to note that over 90% of disease is caused by stress. Stress can be both a physical and psychological response. It can lead to chronic disease, obesity, insomnia, deteriorating relationships, depression, and more.

Stress is such a powerful and harmful force that it is vital that you learn effective stress management techniques. Why? To make sure it doesn’t take control of you of course! Life is short and it’s about time you lived a successful, happy, and healthy life!

We should point out that everyone experiences stress. Your body naturally reacts to situations and things that cause stress (such as being told you have a pop quiz today!) So you don’t need to get stressed about being stressed! It’s a natural reaction after all. What is most important is how to deal with your stress. By learning the most effective ways to tackle stress you can be calm and relaxed in no time. Below are five tips to help you stop stress.

Tip 1 – Identify what makes you stressful and uneasy. Making a list of your stressful experiences is useful. When you immediately deal with the issues that you can change (for instance waking up earlier for work in the morning, not leaving things until the last minute, and delegating tasks when you are taking responsibility for everything) you can deal with them more easily. Forget about the issues that you cannot influence like being stuck in a traffic jam or not getting into the elevator because there is no room for you.

Tip 2 – Step back and chill out. When you feel yourself getting stressed it’s time for a time-out – from yourself! Remove yourself (or excuse yourself) from the situation and take a few minutes to breathe slowly and take yourself back to a calm state of mind. If you are tense find a way to release that tension (stretching or walking around can often be very helpful). The worst thing you can do it stay exactly as you are allow the stress to take full control of you.

Tip 3 – Your stress will disappear sooner or later. It’s important that you keep reminding yourself that stressful events and stressful things eventually go away. The stress will end. So when that happens, will you have continued to push ahead or did you freeze completely and shut down? If you continue to focus on what you need to do even though you feel stressed you will inevitably get more done.

Tip 4 – Get to know yourself. Are there things that are constantly causing you stress? And if so, what are you doing about them? Is there some way you can change your environment to make life easier or less stressful? There is no need to beat your head against the wall. If something is causing you stress on a regular basis then it’s time to start thinking about a way around it (or through it faster!)

Tip 5 – Create a relaxation response. When you feel stress building it’s important to tackle it with a repetitive response. This could be saying specific words (such as “I’m super peaceful right now”), stretching, walking or some other movement, but he most important thing is it brings you relief and you do it every time you feel stress. This will quickly become a habit that occurs in response to stress. So make sure you create a positive habit that helps you feel relaxed and calm.

Stress cannot be prevented because it occurs every day and is a natural response to almost all situations and events. But what you can control is how you respond to stress. So to change how stress impacts you (or to stop it from impacting you at all) all you need to do is change how you respond to it!

If you constantly focus on stress and how it makes you feel you are bound to create more of it. Why? Well, we give energy to those things that we think about. So stop thinking about stress and start thinking about being calm and relaxed at all times.

Ultimately, stress is a choice. You can either continue to react in the same stressful way, or you could choose to improve your life by changing your attitude and becoming relaxed. There’s no other way around it and no better time to start than now. Good luck!

Read the full article here: No More Stress | Motivate Me To Study HelpMeToStudy.org is the number one resource for learning new study skills, changing your study habits and discovering the best study tips available. We will help change the way you think about study – and even better – we will show you how to study effectively: How To Study Effectively | How To Get Better Grades

How To Get Better Grades: Five Tips To Stop Stress

via downshar http://www.downshar.com/?p=1708

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