
Getting Older Could Mean That You’ll Be Unable To Resist Bruising Easily!

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If you happen to glance down at your arm, and you notice a new bruise almost every time that you look down, it means that your body is trying to send you a message. Once you recognize that something out of the ordinary may be taking place, you should make the effort to do some research to try and determine just what message your body is trying to send.

Although there could be any number of reasons why you seem to becoming more susceptible to easy bruising, the usual reason is simply due to your aging. Even though it is somewhat normal to find out that you are bruising more frequently as you get older, that fact should not keep you from evaluating your physical circumstances to determine if there is some other cause for your bruising. This evaluation can help you determine what your next line of action will be to help reduce your bruising occurrences.

It is one of the facts of life that as you age your skin becomes thinner and begins to lose its elasticity. This means that your skin loses some of its cushioning ability to protect your blood vessels. It is also the reason that wrinkles begin to appear. As this transformation occurs, your skin becomes more prone to sustaining damage and injury.

Bruises occur when the tiny blood vessels called capillaries are broken just below the skin level. You have no doubt bumped a part of your body against something, and even though your skin itself is not broken, the capillaries rupture at the spot of the bump causing a bruise, because the skin can no longer protect the blood vessels the way it once did.

The walls of the smallest of the blood vessels, called capillaries, also become thinner with aging, and this makes the capillaries themselves more prone to being injured. Combining the thinning of the skin and the capillary walls makes the whole bruising process almost inevitable from even the slightest of bumps into surfaces or objects.

As we grow older, another factor must be analyzed as an additional cause of bruising easily. This additional cause is a reduced production of collagen in your body. Collagen is the name given to a specific substance that your body creates, and it is the level of collagen in the skin that is essential for maintaining the skin’s elasticity attributes. You’ve probably heard the benefits of collagen because many skin care treatments tout its presence in their products. It is often advertised as being a youth enhancing ingredient.

While it is generally accepted (for the reasons given above) that you become more susceptible to bruising as you get older, there are some people that in the same age group that seem to bruise more readily than others. People who take greater care to avoid collisions will obviously bruise less often than others who are constantly bumping into things, so paying a little more attention to your personal care can help. Genetics can also influence how easily you bruise.

The more you can discover about the causes of your easy bruising, the more you will be able to avoid them happening and the less bruising you will experience, but it may also be worth your while considering the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program. It can help to further minimize, or even completely prevent bruising altogether through the unique collection of natural supplements that it contains which has helped people all over the world to minimize these effects of the aging process.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is recognized as the sole author to have written an entire reference book on bruising, showing people why they bruise, and how they may avoid bruising. You can obtain Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the ideal way to get past the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising.

Getting Older Could Mean That You’ll Be Unable To Resist Bruising Easily!

via downshar http://www.downshar.com/?p=2144

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